I don't believe there is any life on planet Mercury. It is far too close to the sun for water to stay in a liquid state and for any known living organism to survive. Although recently, water has been discovered on the bottoms of craters and in the poles of mercury. It is not in a liquid state, it is ice. Mercury has a modest magnetic field that is approximately aligned with the planet's axis of rotation. The field is a planetary dipole, and is thought to be generated in a manner similar to the way the Earth is though to generate its magnetic field - dynamo action at or around the core. It doesn't really have much of an atmosphere because its gravity is too weak to keep one. However it does have a very unstable one containing hydrogen, helium, oxygen, sodium, calcium and potassium.

Advanced life forms as we know them require liquid water. Since the mid 1960's, we've known about the presence of frozen water at the Martian poles. There is liquid water on Mars, however, it has never been proven. Until liquid water is found on the Red Planet, the odds of any life forms or microbes abiding on Mars is extremely remote. Mars is located in between Earth and Jupiter. I believe that there is frozen water on Mars, and that there is maybe a living organism on Mars, just maybe. Mars is pretty barren though, and seems like the frozen water is hard to get a hold of. I don't think there is life there now, but maybe in a few thousand years, there might be.
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